Health Workforce MS
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How do I gain access to MS Mapper?
Tap on Login/Sign Up button, top ribbon, far right.
What happens when I go to Sign Up for new users?
You will find a form to complete.
Is it necessary to answer all questions on the Sign Up form?
It is preferable for you answer all. All questions with a red asterisk are required to be answered. Please try to answer all questions to the best of your ability.
What happens once I complete the Sign Up form?
Once the form is completed, you will hit submit and wait for a response. The response will not be immediate. You will receive an email once approved.
How will I know when my access is approved?
As soon as the administrator reviews your submitted form and you are approved you will receive an email. If additional questions arise from the review, you will be contacted by email to resolve or clarify. Once approved, you will be notified by email and then you will be able to login using your personal password.
Once I Login, what is the process to start exploring data?
In the top ribbon tap on Maps. This will bring up a map of Mississippi and a Map Layers and Tool box on the right.
Once I Login, what is the process to start exploring data?
In the top ribbon tap on Maps. This will bring up a map of Mississippi and a Map Layers and Tool box on the right.
How do I change my password?
In the top ribbon tap on Account. This will bring up the Manage Account page. Click on Change Password.
How do I update my account information?
In the top ribbon tap on Account. This will bring up the Manage Account page.
Once I'm logged in, how do I access data?
Tap on Add Layer in the Map and Layers Tools.
What happens when I tap Add Layer?
An Add Layer box will show with three layer choices. For example if you are looking at physician data then choose Providers and this will create two dropdowns. Choose Physicians if that is your interest, if not choose Physician Assistants.
What are my choices when I tap the Physician or Physician Assistant dropdown?
Physician licensure data is stored in yearly cycles. These licenses cover a cycle of July 1 through June 30. Example July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 is classified as 2020 data.
What data is contained in the choice, MS Licensed Physicians-2020?
This data set contains data related to all physicians who have a current Mississippi License for the period chosen. In this example 2020.
How will I be able to focus on specific data related to the Ms Licensed Physicians-2020 data set?
Once the data set is chosen, an add layer box will appear which will allow one to choose multiple data choices, i.e. race, gender, age categories, specialty, school of graduation, profession, active or retired practice. Practice locations can also be defined by box selection.
Can I run more than one layer simultaneously?
Near the bottom of the Add Layer box there is an identifier: Layer Settings. Under it you can name the data layer so as to better identify the layer and distinguish the results from different data runs. One can also modify symbols and symbol color.
Once I run a set of data, can I modify the data layer or do I have to run a new data set to see the changes?
Once the map layer is complete, there will be a head count under the title and to the right there will be three vertical dots. Click on the three dots and a pick list will drop down with choices: Update layer, Duplicate layer, Show table, Remove Layer, Transparency, Show Legend, Layer Source. The layer can be rename, modified or removed easily from this location.
What does show table mean in the drop down from the three dots?
If this selection is chosen, one can see the data from the recent demonstration in chart format as well as the map demonstration.
What other functions are available under the Add Layer choices: Providers, Education, Demographics, and Environment.
Each Data category has drop down choices. These layers can be added onto the physician data that is being run for background correlations.
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